Sunday, August 31, 2008

Analysing Stuff (When I'm Bored) and Weird Stuff That Happens

You know, sometimes when you're bummed out and feeling like you're spacing see weird stuffs or things that you haven't really noticed. Stuff around you, people and more importantly yourself.

I'm often jabbering about some nonsense, and usually I do think things through but it comes out as jibber jabber. So, I sound like a passionate drunk at times, trying to convey a useless point to my friends who simply nod and smile. But this time, its different...Oh yes. Why? Well, the main reason is cos, I'm typing it out rather than saying it...So get prepared to get blown out of your minds with my astute observational skills...Rather eccentric, but that's me.

You know loads of people, by that I mean me and two or three of my friends, sit around observing people on the street or where-ever and notice: Why is it that in a couple, the dude is either good-looking and the girl isn't or the chick is hot and the guy looks offence. This enigma has caused my friends and I to wonder and wonder...till we wasted enough time thinking of something not that productive. Alas, I think I may have found it...eventho, I'm pretty sure someone has done so before me. Anywho...It's cos we're just comparing. The dude might outshine the lass, well cos he is just better looking...It's not because she's ugly...No, no. Other way around as well. She's just more attractive than him. He's not that wait...Hmm...maybe he is...But you get my point. Of course all this reflects on a person's physical aspect as opposed to character.

Wires. Those lines which connect electrical items, points, whatever. But how come they hate me? I'm not neat and tidy, I can admit that...But why the hell do they always tangle up whenever I keep 'em. What's worse is the fact that it takes me hours trying to untangle 'em. Have you ever been in a situation like me before: See an attractive girl, sit not so far from her and pretend to be cool. Only to be foiled by the fact that your wires are tangled up. Therefore it will take forever just trying to set 'em right. I mean...Geez, I look like a moron. 'Hey, you doing? Yea...just untangling my wires...Yea...' No, that does not sound sexy or cool.

Another weird stuff that keeps happening is the fact that I'm a weird magnet. It's cool, cos there's always something surprising and excellently-out-of-the-blue. Ya, I made that word up. Anyway, I get weird people adding me on MSN. And they ask me even weirder stuff...If you wanna know, drop me a line or if you already know me you can ask. I don't want to soil this already dirty blog any further.

Finally the analysis of myself. This is rather self-indulging...but I've got the keyboard...But you do too...You know what I mean. For too long a word has crept up to describe me: Pessimistic. Parents and teachers have strung that word on me whenever I plan something, friends rain me examples of my pessimistic ways. It was alright until a couple of my closer friends told me that and what's worse was that girls said I was that as well. GASP! And quite a number...Yikes! But its not so much that I choose to be that way...eventhough I do see myself as such. It's more of a restraint to further myself...I always feel let down by my own misjudgment. I could do soo much more but heck...That'll teach me to procrastinate. Don't be like me...Just go for it eventhough its shit. I've changed and become more open...Not so much open, but loud and attention-seeking. I love attention but I'm always with a conflict within myself to be at peace. Irony. I rarely go out and I love to be alone. But when I do go out, I look silly and stuff. An example of my weird life is that my girl-friend is my Les Paul...She might not be pretty, no really...She got scars and is kinda dirty...but she's mine. By the way, her name is Patty...After George and Eric's ex-wife...Nevermind.

Wow...Today's read is a lot. I doubt many people have made the end... But If you did...Wow...You must be bored. Thanks anyway...Much appreciate y'all reading and to those 2 or 3 who read or follow my blog...Means alot, never said it, but thanks. Alot more rambling about my short comings and bad points in the future...What a way to advertise my blog...So stay tuned and alive to read more...Cheers!

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