Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Looking Back

A good friend of mine retold a visit he had to his great grand-father. The bedridden man, despite his physical disabilities in his old age still went about trying to make his family feel comfortable and happy. Despite his frail and weak body, he manages to laugh. However, the one thing he said to my friend which got me thinking was,

'Never regret meeting anyone in your life.' Despite those failed relationships and mistrusted friends, never have regrets.

Not too long ago another friend told me that despite the little disagreements and squabbles with friends and how they make you feel left out or chucked aside, never feel down. Never make them feel the way you felt. Be the better person. If you do what they did to you, no one's the better. Taking some sort of revenge will only end up hurting you deep inside. It only proves to be a self-inflicting pain if you hurt others.

Then I asked myself, is it a coincidence that all this fell upon the same period I was upset with a whole bunch of people? Take what my friend's great grandad told him and how it can all be of use to my situation. Add in the advice my friend gave me. You get the perfect solution to patience and tolerance. Sure, I was upset with several people and I didn't know how to react but I find it somehow funny that the advice I received could be that convenient, given my current situation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's about how you react that shows who you really are. It's difficult but a test of someone's character is shown in tough times. I know I'm not perfect and, without a doubt, I'm not really a good person. But I wonder, even if I could, would I ever be the better person?

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