Monday, February 25, 2008

Edison Chen Scandal

Sorry, but I just had to do this post.

As some of you, who am I kidding...All of you should know about the Edison Chen scandal. Well, I have a few things about the issue. Hopefully, no one will try and kill me for typing this out. But here it goes...

Firstly, as far as Edison Chen, personally I think everything just went wrong. It similar happerned to a 70's Glam Rockstar named Gary Glitter. Similarly to Edison, Gary went to have something repaired. For Gary, it was his computer. Anyway, whilst restoring the files, the mechanic found files of obscene child pornographic pictures. Gary was then tried in court and sentenced to jail. At least that's what I remembered. Anyway, as they say "History repeats itself" corny and cliched, I know.

So, that goes to show that technology is raging a war against humans. First the machines are ruining careers of pop stars, what next?

The only reason the Edison Chen matter didn't escalate to that of Gary Glitter's is because...well Edison's pictures didn't, thankfully, include children.

Secondly, I feel the way the media and people not related to the issue handled it, made Edison more well-known. After this incident, his fame has risen dramatically. Seriously, I didn't know who the hell he was until this issue.

And finally, have you noticed...usually people than aren't involved in a matter are the ones bloating it out of proportion? Usually people who have no right to say anything or do anything are the ones making the most fuss? If you really are a fan of the women involved in the incident and you, for some reason, want to protect them but you don't give a damn about Edison...then shouldn't you just shuttup? I mean, if you were in the shoes of those women...wouldn't you want the matter to just disappear? Alas, isn't it best to just get over it? So personally I seriously don't know why fans are trying to get the matter higher than it really needs to be. Honestly, if you want to hurt Edison, wouldn't you be as bad as him? Those women whom he hurt were hurt emotionally and psychologically. Physical pain cannot overwhelm that of a mental one. Edison is already having a hard time showing his face around.

Really, my take is that people should just drop the issue, because its really benefiting Edison and doing harm to those women. Its like...

"There's Edison...he's the one who did this and that to whoever! Get him! ARRRRRRRRRR!"

And everytime that happens, the women are the ones reminded of the incident because fans and the media brought it up.

So really, if you wanna help those victims of the tape, just move on...they wanna, so should you. Plus I'm actually more impressed by the number of women he went out with...that's like 200 more than me. YIKES!